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Updated July 1998
Author :
Aditi Mukherjee
S'more Stuff On Ronan
J | He was thrown out of the school choir because the choir master said he couldn't sing! (shows how much he knows) |
J | As a teenager he was a champion sprinter, winning several school races. |
J | He always wears a plaster on his right index finger for luck. |
J | One of Boyzone's earlier ways to amuse themselves was to have belching contests. Ronan always won. |
J | Ronan got married in the Carribbean to Yvonne Connely, 24, at a secret wedding. She's an Irish model, and he admitted to dating her on Irish TV. The wedding was so secret the other boyz didn't know about till he got back! |
J | His father, Gerry, works in a bottling company. His mother, Marie, used to own a beauty saloon. She recently passed away. |
J | He's the youngest in his family. He has three older brothers and an older sister. |
J | New York is like Ronan's second home. Two of his brothers live there. |
J | Ronan's third brother Kieran, that stayed in Dublin, manages the new boy band Brother 2 Brother. |
J | The first time Ronan got drunk was when he was 14. One of his brothers took him out for a beer and in the end Ronan had to be carried back home. Ronan admits that that it doesn't take him long to get drunk so he's very careful.. |
J | When Ronan first joined Boyzone, he didn't know how to swim! So the other lads took up the opportunity, or rather challenge, to teach him. They gave him lessons in all the pools in all the hotels they stayed in during their tours! |
J | Like Mikey, he has a lot of scars. One on his hand and a few on his head from the time that a large rock accidently fell on him. |
J | At the beginning of his life as a singer, he had a girlfriend named Georgina. They's been dating for a year and a half but the enormous amount of pressure that was laid on him affected the relationship and they eventually broke up. Georgina was Ronan's first love, even until this day. |
J | His first job was working in a shoe store in Dublin. |
J | His first kiss was at a party when he was 13. A mysterious girl just went up and planted one on him. He never saw her again after that. |
J | One of the boys' most favorite games during their tours is...a burping contest. It isn't clear how you play it, yet, but according to reports Ronan usually wins... |
Ronan : | Like his sleep |
Ronan : | Eats pasta and cabbage (together!) |
Ronan : | Hates cauliflower - his Mum hides it in his potatoes |
Ronan : | Doesn't like cats |
Ronan : | Is regarded as the "sensible" one in Boyzone |
Ronan : | Thinks Madonna is "really sexy" |
Ronan : | Can walk on his hands |
Ronan : | Likes his hair |
Ronan : | Describes himself as "Quiet, sensitive, paranoid, happy." |
Ronan : | Gets "legless" on a couple of pints |
Ronan : | Loves cars and is obsessed with his black Beamer |
Ronan : | Likes this strange desert made at home : a glass of 7 Up with Ice Cream floating on top of it !!! |
Ronan : | Has a lovely pair of striped pajamas which he likes. |
Ronan : | Lies flat on his stomach with no pillow when he sleeps |
Ronan : | Has 'Mad Dreams' if he eats cheese |
Ronan : | Thinks Shane is the sexiest (so do I , whatta coincedence) |
Ronan : | Always prays before he goes on stage. "I really believe in that kind of stuff , cause I'm a bit supersticious. I don't know how much it helps , but I feel good about it and that's what's important.) |
Ro's been writing songs since his first year at secondary school when he formed a band with his mates Ian, Stuey, Gordan, Adrian and John called Nameste. He was still at school when Boyzone began, but in his spare time he helped out at his mum's hairdressing salon, and worked with his dad on the trucks. He also worked as a sales assistant at Korky's shoe shop on Dublin's Grafton Street.
"It's a job, but I love it. I've done lots of jobs but I've never enjoyed them - they were always just jobs to me. This is something that I love - I've got four mates with me, and we have a good time"
"I still haven't! Though when I hosted the European MTV awards,that was pretty special. It was a rush and I felt pretty cool and important then - but I wouldn't say famous, I could never use that word. Ronan Keating and famous doesn't really go. Never does, never has, never will! That's what keeps your feet on the Ground. I hope!"
"The fame hasn't gone to my head or anything, but I certainly have changed a lot. I've tasted a much better life than the one I had before and I love it! Better food, fancy cars, money..these are all good things as long as they don't go to your head. The most important thing is to get along in life and never forget where you came from."
"The best thing is how genuine they are to us - they'd never treat us badly. If they didn't respect us, it'd be hard to carry on and enjoy it, but they do have respect. They understand when we want to be left alone"
"Falling off my bike! It was Christmas and I got a brand new BMX. The brakes were too strong and I went right over the handlebars!
Toothbrush, clean underwear and some music
ØTHE LAST TIME I DID SOMETHING I'M PROUD OF... I like getting involved with charities and stuff, hospitals and young children's charities. Like the Childline thing, that was really cool, it was nice to be involved with that.
ØTHE FIRST TIME I FELT LIKE A GROWN UP... was when I got me first car. It was a white banger and it cost 400 pounds but it got me around. I was 17.
was last week when I was supposed to come to London with our manager Louis. I never came over and I missed a meeting. But I didn't get told off - he just laughed at me! I'm usually good at waking up on time but last week I wasn't.
ØTHE FIRST TIME I THOUGHT BOYZONE MIGHT MAKE IT... was the very first time we appeared at the Smash Hits Awards. I thought, we're gonna go somewhere - dunno where - but we're going somewhere!
ØTHE LAST TIME I LOST MY TEMPER... I don't lose my temper, I never lose it...
ØTHE FIRST TIME I REALISED WHAT BEING IN A POP BAND WAS REALLY ALL ABOUT... was when I started getting involved in co-production and writing, the whole involvement with music, just the whole music aspect, singing and writing, that's when I realised what it's all about. Also at concerts, watching the kids smiling and singing songs back and the happiness that brings. That's pretty cool.
ØTHE LAST TIME I FELT LIKE GETTING A NEW JOB... was never, I never feel like getting a new job!
ØTHE FIRST TIME I WENT TO THE SHOPS ON MY OWN... I must have been 9 or 10. I lived across the road from the shops. I'd be sent with a list and I was the only one in the family that always came back with the right things! Everybody else got wrong things! I was such a goody goody...
ØTHE LAST TIME I COOKED DINNER... was about two weeks ago. I'm not good at cooking...
ØTHE FIRST TIME I WAS REALLY NAUGHTY... was the time I stole some sweets from our local shop. Then I ate the evidence so I wouldn't get caught!
ØTHE LAST TIME I LIED... ...well I had a meeting earlier on with a guy with our record company...(this particular guy is sitting opposite Ro at the restaurant table - and fortunately he has a sense a humour...) All I did was lie for an hour and a half! No, I'm only joking. I was brought up never to lie, ever. But everybody tells little white lies sometimes. (where Louis Walsh pipes up: "but nothing bad!") No, nothing bad.
ØTHE FIRST TIME I LEARNED MY OWN MONEY... was when I worked in the hairdressers sweeping the floor. I always spent it all - I couldn't save a penny if I tried, it used to burn a hole in my pocket.
ØTHE LAST TIME I SPENT A FORTUNE ON SOMETHING SILLY... every day of the week I'm doing it - on clothes, everything! (Louis Walsh is back: "everytime he passes a designer shop he's in it!")
ØTHE FIRST TIME I WENT ON HOLIDAY WITHOUT MY FAMILY... was back when the band started...I was about 17 or 18. I went on a package holiday or something, one of those dodgy holidays. Meself and Mikey went.
ØTHE LAST TIME I WAS ILL... was two days ago, I had flu. But I'm feeling better now thanks!
ØTHE LAST TIME I WAS SCARED... was the other week when I was staying at a friend's house - it scared the life out of me, I thought it was haunted!
ØTHE FIRST TIME I MET SOMEONE FAMOUS... I can't remember. The first time I really felt like I'd met someone famous was George Michael. I met him at the Capital Radio awards and he came over to me and shook me hand and said hello, knew me name, it was a result. Am I used to all that now? No, you still get starstruck - specially when you meet people like George Michael and Elton John - no way. They're like royalty when it comes to music...
ØTHE FIRST TIME I DID SOMETHING I REGRET... I don't regret anything I did. I'm here today because I did what I did. I don't regret any of it.
ØTHE LAST TIME I MET SOMEONE FAMOUS... I met Tom Jones at the Comedy Awards, that was really cool, he was really nice.
ØTHE FIRST TIME I HAD A FIGHT... I've had many fights, in many places, everywhere!
ØTHE LAST TIME I DID SOMETHING I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO DO... well you have to record songs sometimes that you don't really want to get involved with and I won't mention the name of that song but I wasn't too hot on it...
ØTHE FIRST TIME I WAS HOMESICK... was during the first long trip away from home, I think it was the Asian trip we did for three months. That hurt, that was hard...
ØTHE LAST TIME I GOT TOLD OFF... I don't really any more, I don't think I do anything stupid enough to get told off for...But Linda me sister usually tells me off, for doing anything - I can't walk down the road without her telling me off.

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